讀者:張藝璉 整理 2024/1/31
- 簡報內容及過程應對觀眾有吸引力
- 簡報者要注意自己的「非語言訊息」,不斷練習,讓簡報成為自然的事
- 簡報者要清楚知道一件事:「觀眾為什麼需要聽這些?」
- 要有熱忱,要有目的感
- 提出短得像推特貼文般(140字以內)的標題
- 每隔10分鐘要休息一下
- 示範:帶人或東西站上講台,讓他或它實際呈現經過某種體驗的好處。
- 顧客除了想知道(知識性),也會需要娛樂性(有趣)。
- 最極致、最精緻的簡報,離不開「簡單」這個詞彙。
- 能夠簡單且清楚說明某件事,表示自己有足夠理解。
- 顧客當下的感受、事後的記憶,都很重要,用心帶給他們正向感受。
- 別擔心,即使有點問題,也要放輕鬆,往下繼續進行。
- 穿得稍微正式一點,比在場其他人都正式些。(休閒風也可高級化)
- 做生意沒有一定的秘訣或規則,只要持續相信自己做得到並努力實踐。
- 一場簡報,從設計、編劇、排練,都要用心!
English Translation
- The content and delivery of a presentation should be engaging for the audience.
- Presenters should be mindful of their "non-verbal messages" and practice continuously to make presenting a natural skill.
- Presenters must clearly understand one key question: "Why does the audience need to hear this?"
- Be passionate and have a strong sense of purpose.
- Use headlines that are as concise as a Twitter post (within 140 characters).
- Take a break every 10 minutes.
- Demonstration: Bring a person or an object on stage to showcase the benefits of an experience.
- Customers not only seek knowledge but also entertainment (engagement).
- The ultimate and most refined presentations revolve around the concept of "simplicity."
- The ability to explain something clearly and concisely demonstrates true understanding.
- Both the audience's immediate emotions and their lasting impressions matter—focus on delivering a positive experience.
- Don’t worry—if minor issues arise, stay relaxed and keep going.
- Dress slightly more formally than the audience. (Even a casual style can be elevated.)
- There is no fixed secret or rule in business—just believe in yourself and keep putting in the effort.
- A great presentation requires careful attention to design, storytelling, and rehearsing!
參考資料 / Reference
Master 60'(NO.360) – The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs':How to Be Insanely Great in Front of any Audience
These 15 points were rewritten based on personal understanding after reading the magazine.