
生活中能提醒我們「時間轉變」的聲音(The Sounds That Remind Us of the Passage of Time)

📌 學校鐘聲 → 課堂開始或結束(School Bell → Signals the start or end of class)

📌 捷運/火車廣播 → 車輛進站提醒(MRT/Train Announcements → Reminder of train arrival at stations)

📌 教堂鐘聲 → 整點或宗教儀式(Church Bells → Hourly or for religious ceremonies)

📌 電視台新聞音樂 → 新聞播報時間(News Theme Music on TV → Signals news broadcast time)

📌 早餐店鐵板聲 → 早晨開始,早餐時間(Sizzling Sound from Breakfast Stalls → Marks the start of the morning, breakfast time)

📌 清晨的雞鳴聲 → 天亮,早晨來臨(Rooster Crowing at Dawn → Signals sunrise, the arrival of morning)

📌 工廠或船塢鳴笛 → 上班、休息或下班時間(Factory or Shipyard Horns → Signals work start, break, or end times)

📌 寺廟晨鐘與晚課 → 早晚誦經提醒時間(Temple Morning Bells and Evening Prayers → Reminds of the time for morning and evening chants)

📌 夜市攤販叫賣聲 → 夜市開始營業(Street Vendors' Calls at Night Markets → Signals the opening of night market stalls)

📌 電視廣告音樂 → 特定時段或節日的到來(TV Commercial Music → Signals the arrival of specific times or holidays)

以上舉例及翻譯皆由ChatGPT完成。The above examples and English translations were assisted by ChatGPT. (2025.1.31)